Package pypiper Documentation

Class NGSTk

Class to hold functions to build command strings used during pipeline runs. Object can be instantiated with a string of a path to a yaml pipeline config file. Since NGSTk inherits from AttMapEcho, the passed config file and its elements will be accessible through the NGSTk object as attributes under config (e.g. In case no config_file argument is passed, all commands will be returned assuming the tool is in the user's $PATH.


  • config_file (str): Path to pipeline yaml config file (optional).
  • pm (pypiper.PipelineManager): A PipelineManager with which to associate this toolkit instance;that is, essentially a source from which to grab paths to tools, resources, etc.


    from pypiper.ngstk import NGSTk as tk
    tk = NGSTk()
    # returns: samtools index sample.bam

    # Using a configuration file (custom executable location):
    from pypiper.ngstk import NGSTk
    tk = NGSTk("pipeline_config_file.yaml")
    # returns: /home/.local/samtools/bin/samtools index sample.bam
def __init__(self, config_file=None, pm=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def add_track_to_hub(self, sample_name, track_url, track_hub, colour, five_prime='')
def bam2fastq(self, input_bam, output_fastq, output_fastq2=None, unpaired_fastq=None)

Create command to convert BAM(s) to FASTQ(s).


  • input_bam (str): Path to sequencing reads file to convert
  • output_fastq (``): Path to FASTQ to write
  • output_fastq2 (``): Path to (R2) FASTQ to write
  • unpaired_fastq (``): Path to unpaired FASTQ to write


  • str: Command to convert BAM(s) to FASTQ(s)
def bam_conversions(self, bam_file, depth=True)

Sort and index bam files for later use.


  • depth (bool): also calculate coverage over each position
def bam_to_bed(self, input_bam, output_bed)
def bam_to_bigwig(self, input_bam, output_bigwig, genome_sizes, genome, tagmented=False, normalize=False, norm_factor=1000)

Convert a BAM file to a bigWig file.


  • input_bam (str): path to BAM file to convert
  • output_bigwig (str): path to which to write file in bigwig format
  • genome_sizes (str): path to file with chromosome size information
  • genome (str): name of genomic assembly
  • tagmented (bool): flag related to read-generating protocol
  • normalize (bool): whether to normalize coverage
  • norm_factor (int): number of bases to use for normalization


  • list[str]: sequence of commands to execute
def bam_to_fastq(self, bam_file, out_fastq_pre, paired_end)

Build command to convert BAM file to FASTQ file(s) (R1/R2).


  • bam_file (str): path to BAM file with sequencing reads
  • out_fastq_pre (str): path prefix for output FASTQ file(s)
  • paired_end (bool): whether the given file contains paired-endor single-end sequencing reads


  • str: file conversion command, ready to run
def bam_to_fastq_awk(self, bam_file, out_fastq_pre, paired_end, zipmode=False)

This converts bam file to fastq files, but using awk. As of 2016, this is much faster than the standard way of doing this using Picard, and also much faster than the bedtools implementation as well; however, it does no sanity checks and assumes the reads (for paired data) are all paired (no singletons), in the correct order.


  • zipmode (bool): Should the output be zipped?
def bam_to_fastq_bedtools(self, bam_file, out_fastq_pre, paired_end)

Converts bam to fastq; A version using bedtools

def bowtie2_map(self, input_fastq1, output_bam, log, metrics, genome_index, max_insert, cpus, input_fastq2=None)
def calc_frip(self, input_bam, input_bed, threads=4)

Calculate fraction of reads in peaks.

A file of with a pool of sequencing reads and a file with peak call regions define the operation that will be performed. Thread count for samtools can be specified as well.


  • input_bam (str): sequencing reads file
  • input_bed (str): file with called peak regions
  • threads (int): number of threads samtools may use


  • float: fraction of reads in peaks defined in given peaks file
def calculate_frip(self, input_bam, input_bed, output, cpus=4)
def center_peaks_on_motifs(self, peak_file, genome, window_width, motif_file, output_bed)
def check_command(self, command)

Check if command can be called.

def check_fastq(self, input_files, output_files, paired_end)

Returns a follow sanity-check function to be run after a fastq conversion. Run following a command that will produce the fastq files.

This function will make sure any input files have the same number of reads as the output files.

def check_trim(self, trimmed_fastq, paired_end, trimmed_fastq_R2=None, fastqc_folder=None)

Build function to evaluate read trimming, and optionally run fastqc.

This is useful to construct an argument for the 'follow' parameter of a PipelineManager's 'run' method.


  • trimmed_fastq (str): Path to trimmed reads file.
  • paired_end (bool): Whether the processing is being done withpaired-end sequencing data.
  • trimmed_fastq_R2 (str): Path to read 2 file for the paired-end case.
  • fastqc_folder (str): Path to folder within which to place fastqcoutput files; if unspecified, fastqc will not be run.


  • callable: Function to evaluate read trimming and possibly runfastqc.
def count_concordant(self, aligned_bam)

Count only reads that "aligned concordantly exactly 1 time."


  • aligned_bam (str): File for which to count mapped reads.
def count_fail_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

Counts the number of reads that failed platform/vendor quality checks.


  • paired_end (``): This parameter is ignored; samtools automatically correctly responds dependingon the data in the bamfile. We leave the option here just for consistency, since all the other counting functions require the parameter. This makes it easier to swap counting functions during pipeline development.
def count_flag_reads(self, file_name, flag, paired_end)

Counts the number of reads with the specified flag.


  • file_name (str): name of reads file
  • flag (str): sam flag value to be read
  • paired_end (bool): This parameter is ignored; samtools automatically correctly responds dependingon the data in the bamfile. We leave the option here just for consistency, since all the other counting functions require the parameter. This makes it easier to swap counting functions during pipeline development.
def count_lines(self, file_name)

Uses the command-line utility wc to count the number of lines in a file. For MacOS, must strip leading whitespace from wc.


  • file_name (str): name of file whose lines are to be counted
def count_lines_zip(self, file_name)

Uses the command-line utility wc to count the number of lines in a file. For MacOS, must strip leading whitespace from wc. For compressed files.


  • file (``): file_name
def count_mapped_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

Mapped_reads are not in fastq format, so this one doesn't need to accommodate fastq, and therefore, doesn't require a paired-end parameter because it only uses samtools view. Therefore, it's ok that it has a default parameter, since this is discarded.


  • file_name (str): File for which to count mapped reads.
  • paired_end (bool): This parameter is ignored; samtools automatically correctly responds dependingon the data in the bamfile. We leave the option here just for consistency, since all the other counting functions require the parameter. This makes it easier to swap counting functions during pipeline development.


  • int: Either return code from samtools view command, or -1 to indicate an error state.
def count_multimapping_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

Counts the number of reads that mapped to multiple locations. Warning: currently, if the alignment software includes the reads at multiple locations, this function will count those more than once. This function is for software that randomly assigns, but flags reads as multimappers.


  • file_name (str): name of reads file
  • paired_end (``): This parameter is ignored; samtools automatically correctly responds dependingon the data in the bamfile. We leave the option here just for consistency, since all the other counting functions require the parameter. This makes it easier to swap counting functions during pipeline development.
def count_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

Count reads in a file.

Paired-end reads count as 2 in this function. For paired-end reads, this function assumes that the reads are split into 2 files, so it divides line count by 2 instead of 4. This will thus give an incorrect result if your paired-end fastq files are in only a single file (you must divide by 2 again).


  • file_name (str): Name/path of file whose reads are to be counted.
  • paired_end (bool): Whether the file contains paired-end reads.
def count_unique_mapped_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

For a bam or sam file with paired or or single-end reads, returns the number of mapped reads, counting each read only once, even if it appears mapped at multiple locations.


  • file_name (str): name of reads file
  • paired_end (bool): True/False paired end data


  • int: Number of uniquely mapped reads.
def count_unique_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

Sometimes alignment software puts multiple locations for a single read; if you just count those reads, you will get an inaccurate count. This is not the same as multimapping reads, which may or may not be actually duplicated in the bam file (depending on the alignment software). This function counts each read only once. This accounts for paired end or not for free because pairs have the same read name. In this function, a paired-end read would count as 2 reads.

def count_uniquelymapping_reads(self, file_name, paired_end)

Counts the number of reads that mapped to a unique position.


  • file_name (str): name of reads file
  • paired_end (bool): This parameter is ignored.
def fastqc(self, file, output_dir)

Create command to run fastqc on a FASTQ file


  • file (str): Path to file with sequencing reads
  • output_dir (str): Path to folder in which to place output


  • str: Command with which to run fastqc
def fastqc_rename(self, input_bam, output_dir, sample_name)

Create pair of commands to run fastqc and organize files.

The first command returned is the one that actually runs fastqc when it's executed; the second moves the output files to the output folder for the sample indicated.


  • input_bam (str): Path to file for which to run fastqc.
  • output_dir (str): Path to folder in which fastqc output will bewritten, and within which the sample's output folder lives.
  • sample_name (str): Sample name, which determines subfolder withinoutput_dir for the fastqc files.


  • list[str]: Pair of commands, to run fastqc and then move the files totheir intended destination based on sample name.
def filter_peaks_mappability(self, peaks, alignability, filtered_peaks)
def filter_reads(self, input_bam, output_bam, metrics_file, paired=False, cpus=16, Q=30)

Remove duplicates, filter for >Q, remove multiple mapping reads. For paired-end reads, keep only proper pairs.

def genome_wide_coverage(self, input_bam, genome_windows, output)
def get_chrs_from_bam(self, file_name)

Uses samtools to grab the chromosomes from the header that are contained in this bam file.

def get_file_size(self, filenames)

Get size of all files in string (space-separated) in megabytes (Mb).


  • filenames (str): a space-separated string of filenames
def get_fragment_sizes(self, bam_file)
def get_frip(self, sample)

Calculates the fraction of reads in peaks for a given sample.


  • sample (pipelines.Sample): Sample object with "peaks" attribute.
def get_input_ext(self, input_file)

Get the extension of the input_file. Assumes you're using either .bam or .fastq/.fq or .fastq.gz/.fq.gz.

def get_mitochondrial_reads(self, bam_file, output, cpus=4)
def get_peak_number(self, sample)

Counts number of peaks from a sample's peak file.


  • sample (pipelines.Sample): Sample object with "peaks" attribute.
def get_read_type(self, bam_file, n=10)

Gets the read type (single, paired) and length of bam file.


  • bam_file (str): Bam file to determine read attributes.
  • n (int): Number of lines to read from bam file.


  • str, int: tuple of read type and read length
def homer_annotate_pPeaks(self, peak_file, genome, motif_file, output_bed)
def homer_find_motifs(self, peak_file, genome, output_dir, size=150, length='8,10,12,14,16', n_motifs=12)
def htseq_count(self, input_bam, gtf, output)
def index_bam(self, input_bam)
def input_to_fastq(self, input_file, sample_name, paired_end, fastq_folder, output_file=None, multiclass=False, zipmode=False)

Builds a command to convert input file to fastq, for various inputs.

Takes either .bam, .fastq.gz, or .fastq input and returns commands that will create the .fastq file, regardless of input type. This is useful to made your pipeline easily accept any of these input types seamlessly, standardizing you to fastq which is still the most common format for adapter trimmers, etc. You can specify you want output either zipped or not. Commands will place the output fastq file in given fastq_folder.


  • input_file (str): filename of input you want to convert to fastq
  • multiclass (bool): Are both read1 and read2 included in a singlefile? User should not need to set this; it will be inferred and used in recursive calls, based on number files, and the paired_end arg.
  • zipmode (bool): Should the output be .fastq.gz? Otherwise, just fastq


  • str: A command (to be run with PipelineManager) that will ensureyour fastq file exists.
def kallisto(self, input_fastq, output_dir, output_bam, transcriptome_index, cpus, input_fastq2=None, size=180, b=200)
def link_to_track_hub(self, track_hub_url, file_name, genome)
def macs2_call_peaks(self, treatment_bams, output_dir, sample_name, genome, control_bams=None, broad=False, paired=False, pvalue=None, qvalue=None, include_significance=None)

Use MACS2 to call peaks.


  • treatment_bams (str | Iterable[str]): Paths to files with data toregard as treatment.
  • output_dir (str): Path to output folder.
  • sample_name (str): Name for the sample involved.
  • genome (str): Name of the genome assembly to use.
  • control_bams (str | Iterable[str]): Paths to files with data toregard as control
  • broad (bool): Whether to do broad peak calling.
  • paired (bool): Whether reads are paired-end
  • pvalue (float | NoneType): Statistical significance measure topass as --pvalue to peak calling with MACS
  • qvalue (float | NoneType): Statistical significance measure topass as --qvalue to peak calling with MACS
  • include_significance (bool | NoneType): Whether to pass astatistical significance argument to peak calling with MACS; if omitted, this will be True if the peak calling is broad or if either p-value or q-value is specified; default significance specification is a p-value of 0.001 if a significance is to be specified but no value is provided for p-value or q-value.


  • str: Command to run.
def macs2_call_peaks_atacseq(self, treatment_bam, output_dir, sample_name, genome)
def macs2_plot_model(self, r_peak_model_file, sample_name, output_dir)
def make_dir(self, path)

Forge path to directory, creating intermediates as needed.


  • path (str): Path to create.
def make_sure_path_exists(self, path)

Alias for make_dir

def mark_duplicates(self, aligned_file, out_file, metrics_file, remove_duplicates='True')
def merge_bams(self, input_bams, merged_bam, in_sorted='TRUE', tmp_dir=None)

Combine multiple files into one.

The tmp_dir parameter is important because on poorly configured systems, the default can sometimes fill up.


  • input_bams (Iterable[str]): Paths to files to combine
  • merged_bam (str): Path to which to write combined result.
  • in_sorted (bool | str): Whether the inputs are sorted
  • tmp_dir (str): Path to temporary directory.
def merge_bams_samtools(self, input_bams, merged_bam)
def merge_fastq(self, inputs, output, run=False, remove_inputs=False)

Merge FASTQ files (zipped or not) into one.


  • inputs (Iterable[str]): Collection of paths to files to merge.
  • output (str): Path to single output file.
  • run (bool): Whether to run the command.
  • remove_inputs (bool): Whether to keep the original files.


  • NoneType | str: Null if running the command, otherwise thecommand itself


  • ValueError: Raise ValueError if the call is such thatinputs are to be deleted but command is not run.
def merge_or_link(self, input_args, raw_folder, local_base='sample')

Standardizes various input possibilities by converting either .bam, .fastq, or .fastq.gz files into a local file; merging those if multiple files given.


  • input_args (list): This is a list of arguments, each one is aclass of inputs (which can in turn be a string or a list). Typically, input_args is a list with 2 elements: first a list of read1 files; second an (optional!) list of read2 files.
  • raw_folder (str): Name/path of folder for the merge/link.
  • local_base (str): Usually the sample name. This (plus fileextension) will be the name of the local file linked (or merged) by this function.
def move_file(self, old, new)
def parse_bowtie_stats(self, stats_file)

Parses Bowtie2 stats file, returns series with values.


  • stats_file (str): Bowtie2 output file with alignment statistics.
def parse_duplicate_stats(self, stats_file)

Parses sambamba markdup output, returns series with values.


  • stats_file (str): sambamba output file with duplicate statistics.
def parse_qc(self, qc_file)

Parse phantompeakqualtools (spp) QC table and return quality metrics.


  • qc_file (str): Path to phantompeakqualtools output file, whichcontains sample quality measurements.
def picard_mark_duplicates(self, input_bam, output_bam, metrics_file, temp_dir='.')
def plot_atacseq_insert_sizes(self, bam, plot, output_csv, max_insert=1500, smallest_insert=30)

Heavy inspiration from here:

def preseq_coverage(self, bam_file, output_prefix)
def preseq_curve(self, bam_file, output_prefix)
def preseq_extrapolate(self, bam_file, output_prefix)
def remove_file(self, file_name)
def run_spp(self, input_bam, output, plot, cpus)

Run the SPP read peak analysis tool.


  • input_bam (str): Path to reads file
  • output (str): Path to output file
  • plot (str): Path to plot file
  • cpus (int): Number of processors to use


  • str: Command with which to run SPP
def sam_conversions(self, sam_file, depth=True)

Convert sam files to bam files, then sort and index them for later use.


  • depth (bool): also calculate coverage over each position
def sambamba_remove_duplicates(self, input_bam, output_bam, cpus=16)
def samtools_index(self, bam_file)

Index a bam file.

def samtools_view(self, file_name, param, postpend='')

Run samtools view, with flexible parameters and post-processing.

This is used internally to implement the various count_reads functions.


  • file_name (str): file_name
  • param (str): String of parameters to pass to samtools view
  • postpend (str): String to append to the samtools command;useful to add cut, sort, wc operations to the samtools view output.
def shift_reads(self, input_bam, genome, output_bam)
def simple_frip(self, input_bam, input_bed, threads=4)
def skewer(self, input_fastq1, output_prefix, output_fastq1, log, cpus, adapters, input_fastq2=None, output_fastq2=None)

Create commands with which to run skewer.


  • input_fastq1 (str): Path to input (read 1) FASTQ file
  • output_prefix (str): Prefix for output FASTQ file names
  • output_fastq1 (str): Path to (read 1) output FASTQ file
  • log (str): Path to file to which to write logging information
  • cpus (int | str): Number of processing cores to allow
  • adapters (str): Path to file with sequencing adapters
  • input_fastq2 (str): Path to read 2 input FASTQ file
  • output_fastq2 (str): Path to read 2 output FASTQ file


  • list[str]: Sequence of commands to run to trim reads withskewer and rename files as desired.
def slurm_footer(self)
def slurm_header(self, job_name, output, queue='shortq', n_tasks=1, time='10:00:00', cpus_per_task=8, mem_per_cpu=2000, nodes=1, user_mail='', mail_type='end')
def slurm_submit_job(self, job_file)
def sort_index_bam(self, input_bam, output_bam)
def spp_call_peaks(self, treatment_bam, control_bam, treatment_name, control_name, output_dir, broad, cpus, qvalue=None)

Build command for R script to call peaks with SPP.


  • treatment_bam (str): Path to file with data for treatment sample.
  • control_bam (str): Path to file with data for control sample.
  • treatment_name (str): Name for the treatment sample.
  • control_name (str): Name for the control sample.
  • output_dir (str): Path to folder for output.
  • broad (str | bool): Whether to specify broad peak calling mode.
  • cpus (int): Number of cores the script may use.
  • qvalue (float): FDR, as decimal value


  • str: Command to run.
def topHat_map(self, input_fastq, output_dir, genome, transcriptome, cpus)
def trimmomatic(self, input_fastq1, output_fastq1, cpus, adapters, log, input_fastq2=None, output_fastq1_unpaired=None, output_fastq2=None, output_fastq2_unpaired=None)
def validate_bam(self, input_bam)

Wrapper for Picard's ValidateSamFile.


  • input_bam (str): Path to file to validate.


  • str: Command to run for the validation.
def zinba_call_peaks(self, treatment_bed, control_bed, cpus, tagmented=False)
def ziptool(self)

Returns the command to use for compressing/decompressing.


  • str: Either 'gzip' or 'pigz' if installed and multiple cores

Version Information: pypiper v0.13.2, generated by lucidoc v0.4.4